Dear AOL Journals user, We're sorry to inform you that on Oct. 31, 2008, AOL® Journals will be shut down permanently. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. It is very important that you save your Journals content before the shutdown. We're working on a way to easily move your Journal to another blogging service — you can expect an email within the next week with more details about how to do it. We want the transition to go as smoothly as possible for you, so you'll have two choices. You can either save your information manually and find another place to blog on your own, or let us handle the migration for you and automatically transfer your Journal to a different blogging service. In the meantime, please bookmark the People Connection Blog, where you can find out more about AOL Journals. You can also subscribe to the People Connection Blog RSS feed to stay informed about any changes. We'll be updating the People Connection Blog often, so please
Dear AOL Hometown and Journal's users, Soon you will be receiving an e-mail providing additional information about Hometown/FTP and Journals. Both of these experiences are closing their doors. Please read the following blog entries to learn more about AOL Hometown/FTP and AOL Journals.
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It is difficult to find a web development language today which is as misunderstood as XHTML. In the following article we’ll examine why, sort out a few concepts that frequently confuse authors, and offer practical suggestions on real–life XHTML usage. The intended audience for this article are those developers who consider using XHTML for the first time, but also authors and content producers who wants to learn more about the topic of extensible markup languages.
With the shape of the economy and ever changing gas prices, online shopping may end up growing even faster than some have predicted. If your business hasn’t added an online shopping cart yet, why not? The technology has been around for years now, and there are solutions for just about every skill level: you can do it yourself, outsource the work, pay companies for hosting, or even turn a WordPress blog into a simple shopping cart using plugins. Here are over 35 shopping cart solutions for your business. Does your company already use a shopping cart solution? Tell us about your experience with it in the comments.
The photographer’s worst nightmare: being hauled out from behind the lens and forced to stand in front of a camera. Why must people photograph us? Yes, photographers are adorable, and yes, we have unparalleled style. But we are shy, and we prefer to hide behind our cameras like frightened woodland creatures behind large trees. Still, people do insist on taking our pictures. So, what to do when you can’t avoid being photographed? Stand tall and follow our tips for instant photogenicity.