This is a little trick that you can apply to your forms to enhance user experience. We'll display editable form data (indented to be edited, updated) as regular tabular data intended for reading.
We're using pure CSS for this one… Actually we WOULD use pure CSS if it wasn't for IE7's lack of support for :focus pseudo-class.
Take a look at the demo
This trick can be useful when you have, let's say, a profile page where your users can view and edit the data on the same page.
When users first open the page they see values for various options. You need to make sure that the data as readable as possible so we want to avoid the usual form elements styling. You'll agree that reading content inside input fields is somewhat difficult.
This is what you'd want them to have:
Pricing a website design can seem impossible. A good website design can cost anywhere between thousands of dollars and under fifty dollars, depending on the type of site, how you build it and a hundred other numbers. Those numbers can make it difficult to decide where the right price point for your own work is: how do you know what your work is worth when other designers’ prices are all over the place?
All prices are not created equal: while it may seem to the lay person that all websites are similar, differences like the framework the site is built upon and the process the website designer uses can require drastically different prices. A website design that doesn’t require you to do much more than design a new theme for WordPress probably shouldn’t be priced the same way that an e-commerce site that expects to see plenty of traffic should be. It comes down to the question of what’s in your price. In this article, we’ll look at how four web designers set their prices — and how you can