Getting the data off of the laptop proved the easy part. Then it was time to format the computer’s hard drive to wipe it clean of any data. A full format with a Microsoft Windows DOS-based floppy disk appeared to erase all of the data. But then I scanned
In a cavernous airplane hangar in Quincy, Illinois, two hours south of Chicago, Don Kirlin paces beneath the gold hammer and sickle of a large Soviet flag. Around him are the military bulwarks of the once-formidable Evil Empire: four Czech Aero Vodochody
This tutorial explains how to design a beautiful form (Facebook inspired) using a clean CSS design with only
The study released Monday by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life is unusual for it sheer scope, relying on interviews with more than 35,000 adults to document a diverse and dynamic U.S. religious population. While much of the study confirms earlier