
links for 2006-11-29

  • Here, for your gratitude-generating pleasure, is a rundown of some of the most exciting and powerful services awaiting your cellphone at this very moment. Better yet, at the moment, they’re all free.
  • Create a clean sketch from an image in this simple tutorial.
  • There are two main processes constantly going on in massive stars: nuclear fusion (which tends to blow the star’s hydrogen outward from the star’s center) And gravity (which tends to pull all hydrogen back in the direction it had come). These two pro
  • Ok. Let’s set the record straight. There is no official guide for each and every CSS shorthand property value. So let’s work together and put one together shall we? Ok. Straight to the business. Anytime I’ve ran into a specification (besides the con
  • In scores of science fiction stories, hapless adventurers find themselves unwittingly introduced to the vacuum of space without proper protection. There is often an alarming cacophony of screams and gasps as the increasingly bloated humans writhe and spas
  • ]]>

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