This is the blog of Star Wars character Padmé Amidala – wife of Anakin Skywalker, mother of Luke & Leia. Here, Padmé reveals everything you didn’t see in the movie saga, from the mundane details of her daily life to the inner secrets that should probabl
Those of you who were fans of the Star Wars X-Wing Fighter game of the early nineties now have the opportunity to play a version of it for free. I don’t know if the final battle of Return of the Jedi was ever in the original X-wing game, but you get the
We have two sites hosted on the MonsterCommerce Shopping Cart Platform. Lately they have been touting their partnership with the Google Checkout system, charging $99 per month to use this service. I was trying to justify this added expense so I thought I
The Culturejammer’s website, Adbusters magazine