
links for 2010-08-10

  • Terrible sounds are carried across the Athasian plains, but perhaps the most insidious is the jingling of small bells—the work of belgoi. The dissonant chimes of these gaunt humanoids tug at travelers’ minds, entrancing victims and luring them out into the wastes, where they become easy prey for today's Dark Sun Creature Catalog excerpt, the hungry belgoi.
  • Life in Athas is a harrowing experience. The land abounds with perilous hazards and deadly monsters. In spartan gladitorial arenas, contenders battle armored braxats and hardened muls that are intent on eviscerating them for the crowd’s pleasure. In the merciless wastes, belgoi draw adventurers to their doom with the alluring jingle of bells, or savage humanoid tribes of gith or halflings hunt travelers for pleasure, loot, and even food. And, in the Sea of Silt, giants guard their borders against any trespassers who manage to survive the constricting tentacles of the silt horrors. The Dark Sun Creature Catalog contains nearly 200 monsters and hazards. It is your guide to building adventures and encounters in the Dark Sun setting. With this book, you can alter existing monsters using themes, add fantastic terrain to spice up an encounter area, or introduce non-player characters that can be either allies or enemies of the player characters.
  • Since being released in 1977, Star Wars has remained one of the most influential sci-fi films of all time. It has spawned three prequels, two sequels, TV and Internet-based fan films, books, and countless toys. Despite the vast amount of information available online about the famous franchise, there still might be some things about Star Wars that would surprise you. Here are 19 things you might not know…
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    links for 2010-06-07

  • A Dark Sun novel I’ve read over a hundred Forgotten Realms novels, a dozen Ravenloft novels and all of the Eberron novels, but this was my first Dark Sun novel. Having never played in the Dark Sun camping setting when it was originally released back in the early 90s I never had any desire to read about a world I was unfamiliar with. However, in light of the upcoming re-launch of Dark Sun for 4e D&D I felt it was time to give the Dark Sun books a chance. I had no idea what I was in for. Part of the reason I read and enjoy the books form Wizards of the Coast (and TSR before them) is the familiarity that comes with a shared world. Regardless of who the characters are and how the story unfolds, the setting is constant. The rules of D&D apply in these worlds so I know what’s reasonable to expect in any given situation. I quickly learned that Dark Sun is unlike any of the D&D shared worlds I’d read about before.
  • Just picked up my package for season two of Encounters. So far it looks pretty cool. Having not played the original I'm not sure what to expect. My biggest concern is that the books, minis, and tiles aren't due out until Aug. I already have questions about the geography and geology of Athas and I'm not even half-way through the module. I'm guessing I should just revert to the original for any questions. It appears that they are using the same places and races in this incarnation. Also troubling is the fact that there is no big map of the Tyr region. Now, in the forums it's been said that the '91 maps were consulted. How much, I'm not sure. If anyone has heard anything different please let me know. Here's to 15 weeks of fun.
  • Earlier, we have indexed “20 Mozilla Firefox Add-ons For Your Browser” and we are back with “7 Best Mozilla Firefox Add-ons for Web Development Of Year 2010”. We believe that these Firefox add-ons will help you in solving your web development challenges much easier. Mozilla Firefox is first and foremost choice of every Internet users so its community always try to introduce best solution for everyone’s need and rang of interest whether they are common user or professionals. We are lucky that we are having a brilliant development community.
  • This is a blog about the miniature world that can only be explored with the aid of a microscope. Most of the images were taken with a basic, inexpensive microscope and a consumer digital camera (Pentax W20) held against the eyepiece. Some images were taken with the same camera but using a more sophisticated research microscope that I use professionally, which is capable of showing minute structures more clearly. Whenever I’ve used this more elaborate instrument, I’ve indicated it in the text. Comments and questions are very welcome.
  • We have so many things to worry about right now, I figure we can stand a little good news, right? Whenever I read a story like this column by Rick Reilly, it makes me feel a lot less hopeless about humanity: We live in a world where Peyton Manning walks off the Super Bowl field without shaking anybody's hand. Where Tiger Woods leaves the Masters without a word of thanks to the fans or congratulations to the winner. Where NFL lineman Albert Haynesworth kicks a man's helmetless head without a thought.
  • Wedding Anniversary Quotations
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    links for 2010-04-20

  • IDW’s Dungeons & Dragons series will each offer new stories and playable characters to existing game campaigns. The Dungeons & Dragons title will take place in the core world, as seen in the gaming supplements and upcoming novels, followed by a Dark Sun series starting in January 2011. Plans also include a series for the longtime fan-favorite Forgotten Realms setting. Each comic book will also be collected at intervals into graphic novels. The many planned projects will be distributed to a wide audience through comic book outlets, trade bookstores and mass retailers.
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