
links for 2009-02-04

  • george+lucas.jpg (image)
  • I decided to start writing this thing mostly out of insomnia. That’s how I came up with the title. When I’m awake and unable to fall asleep, I end up being very productive. It’s on those nights that I write what I think are my best songs, do my best house-work, and work on the statistics-reports for my job. For whatever reason, when I’m miserably tired, I get good at doing the things I should be doing all the time. A few years ago, I started applying that same concept to writing things like this work. I began by writing fiction. Short stories, essays, librettos…just whatever concept entered my mind… I finished a few of them, but there are countless random half-stories sitting on my hard drive that I may never get to. My creativity kind of dries up over time if I don’t finish at least the rough draft in a night or two. That’s how I figured out that writing about my true-life memories is easier. Those stories are already written and finished. I just have to recount them.
  • Warning! If the help desk thinks your question is stupid, we will set you on fire.
  • ]]>