
links for 2007-01-17

  • Quote URL text will copy selected to the clipboard including metadata about the page (Page Title, Location and date of copy).
  • Star Wars: The Phantom Medallists – 2006 Mini Movie Winner
  • A mini star wars film showing how Han and Luke *really* fought over Leia.
  • This is the original introduction from the DOS version of the LucasArts game TIE FIGHTER, as in the four-floppy disk version, before X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter. Back in the day, this was cool (and to date is a great dog fighting game).
  • I’ve mentioned American Idol before. Honestly, I don’t feel like I can summon enthusiasm for it this year. But I say that every year. My wife likes the show and I’ll most likely be watching it with her. Something about the show seems wrong to me. It’s
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